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Table of Conversion Factors


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To Convert from To Multiply By:
Angstrom units centimeters 1 x 10 (-8)
Angstrom units inches 3.937 x 10 (-9)
Angstrom units microns 0.0001
Atmospheres dynes/ 1.0133 x 10 (6)
Atmospheres mm of mercury 760
BTU (mean) calories, gram (mean) 251.98
BTU (mean) foot-pounds 778.7
BTU (mean) joules (abs) 1055.8
Calories, gram (mean) btu (mean) 3.9685 x 10 (-3)
Calories, gram (mean) foot-pounds 3.0904
Candle power (spherical) lumens 12.566
Centimeters angstrom units 1 x 10 (8)
Centimeters feet (U.S.) 0.0328
Centimeters inches (U.S.) 0.3937
Centimeters miles (U.S. statute) 6.2137 x 10 (-6)
Cm of mercury at 0 atmospheres 0.0132
Centimeters/second feet/minute 1.9685
Centimeters/second miles/hour 0.0224
Coulombs Ab coulombs 0.1
Cubic centimeters cubic feet (U.S.) 3.5314 x 19 (-5)
Cubic centimeters cubic inches (U.S.) 0.061
Cubic centimeters gallons (U.S.) 2.6417 x 10 (-4)
Cubic centimeters milliliters 0.999972
Cubic centimeters ounces (U.S. fluid) 0.0338
Cubic centimeters pints (U.S. liquid) 0.0021
Cubic centimeters quarts (U.S. liquid) 0.0011
Cubic feet (U.S.) cubic centimeters 28316.847
Cubic feet (U.S.) liters 28.317
Cubic feet (U.S.) quarts (U.S. liquid) 29.922
Cubic feet of water (at 60F) pounds 62.37
Cubic inches (U.S.) cubic centimeters 16.3872
Cubic inches (U.S.) cubic feet (U.S.) 5.7870 x 10 (-4)
Cubic Meters cubic feet (U.S.) 35.3147
Cubic Meters cubic inches (U.S.) 61023.74
Degrees circles 0.0028
Drams (apothecaries' or troy) drams (avoirdupois) 2.1943
Drams (avoirdupois) drams (apothecaries' or troy) 0.4577
Drams (avoirdupois) grains 27.34375
Drams (avoirdupois) grams 1.7718
Drams (avoirdupois) ounces (avoirdupois) 0.0625
Drams (avoirdupois) pounds (avoirdupois) 0.003906
Drams (U.S. fluid) cubic centimeters 3.6967
Drams (U.S. fluid) ounces (fluid) 0.125
Feet (U.S. survey) centimeters 30.4801
Foot-Pounds btu (mean) 0.0012841
Gallons (U.S.) cubic centimeters 3785.412
Gallons (U.S.) cubic feet 0.1337
Gallons (U.S.) gallons (British) 0.8327
Gallons (U.S.) liters 3.78541
Gallons (U.S.) minims 61440
Gallons (U.S.) ounces (U.S. fluid) 128
Gallons (U.S.) pounds (avoirdupois)  
of water at 60F of water at 60 F 8.328
Grains drams (avoirdupois) 0.03657
Grains grams 0.0648
Grams drams (avoirdupois) 0.5644
Grams grains 15.4324
Grams ounces (avoirdupois) 0.0353
Grams pounds (avoirdupois) 0.0022
Horsepower btu (mean)/hour 2542.48
Horsepower calories, kg (mean/min) 10.688
Horsepower kilowatts 0.7457
Inches (U.S.) centimeters 2.54
Inches (U.S.) millimeters 25.4001
Joules (abs) calories, gram (mean) 0.23866
Joules (abs) ergs 1 x 10 (7)
Kilograms pounds (avoirdupois) 2.2046
Kilowatts (abs) btu (mean)/hour 3409.52
Liters cubic centimeters 1000
Liters gallons (U.S.) 0.2642
Liters ounces (U.S. fluid) 33.814
Liters pints (U.S. liquid) 2.11337
Meters feet (U.S.) 3.2808
Meters inches (U.S.) 39.37
Microns centimeters 1 x 10 (-4)
Microns inches 3.937 x 10 (-5)
Miles/hour centimeters/second 44.704
Miles/hour feet/second 1.4667
Milligrams grains 0.01543
Milligrams ounces (avoirdupois) 3.5274 x 10 (-5)
Milligrams pounds (avoirdupois) 2.20462 x 10 (-6)
Milliliters cubic centimeters 1
Milliliters ounces (U.S. fluid) 0.0338
Milliliters pints (U.S. liquid) 0.00211
Ounces (U.S. fluid) gallons (U.S.) 7.812 x 10 (-3)
Ounces (U.S. fluid) liters 0.0296
Ounces (U.S. fluid) milliliters 29.5727
Pints (U.S. liquid) cubic centimeters 473.176
Pints (U.S. liquid) cubic inches 28.875
Pints (U.S. liquid) liters 0.4732
Pounds (avoirdupois) grains 7000
Pounds (avoirdupois) grams 453.5924
Pounds (avoirdupois) pounds (troy) 1.2153
Pounds of water (39.2 F) gallons (U.S.) 0.1198
Quarts (U.S. liquid) cubic centimeters 946.353
Quarts (U.S. liquid) liters 0.9463
Square centimeters square inches (U.S.) 0.155